Look into:
 twisted and lxml

they all can be integrated into web2py. lxml is python API for
libxml2. and Twisted is more pouplar Client/Server Network programming
lib .

I have implemented Peer to Peer UDP Hole Punching protocol from
scratch using Twisted. It was within 50 - Lines of code.

On 9/19/11, Magnitus <eric_vallee2...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> I have a web server running with Web2py.
> I have potentially several instances of my game engine running as
> standalone C++ processes.
> They communicate with each other via sockets (given that the game
> engine needs to be expendable over several computers, sockets are a
> must).
> So far, I've used barebone TPC/IP to communicate between server and
> engine(s) with a narrow custom-made protocol (ie, agreed upon hard
> formats for each type of request) which worked ok, because server-
> engine communications have been light (either I was mostly working on
> the server or the engine, but not a lot on the integration between the
> 2).
> However, now I'm thinking I should extend my little protocol to pass
> along more complex structures via the sockets to save some development
> time and a few white hairs :).
> My gut feeling is to go find some C/C++ XML library (if I can't find a
> satisfactory one in Python, I can always create a wrapper for it using
> the C/C++ library) and use that as an intermediate step (converting
> data structures to XML and then passing XML strings over the sockets
> re-creating the data structure from the string on the other end).
> Before I start, get all invested and find out later I could have saved
> myself a lot of trouble using something else, does anyone know about a
> better solution?

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