> I did not have to do something to the apache-setup. The creation
> of this static-only app did not solve my problem and in the end I have
> switched to a uwsgi-setup. A search in this mailing list's archives will
> provide a lot of information on that setup.

When I was having memory problems, I asked webfaction's support people
why they do not make the Nginx+uwsgi configuration the default, this
was their reply:

"If you're referring to the Nginx+uwsgi configuration mentioned in
that post, I
think our installer was developed before uwsgi was considered to be
enough for use.

We find that our mod_wsgi installer meets the majority of our
customers needs,
but if there is enough demand for a Nginx+uwsgi installer, we'll look
adding one.

Regarding the memory usage of your w2p app, you can reduce that quite
a bit by
using a static-only symlink app to handle the static media for your

At the moment I am no longer experiencing memory problems, should I
switch to Nginx+uwsgi before hand?

Kind regards,


By the way. Vasile Ermicioi provided me with this step-by-step set up
of Nginx+uwsgi:

1) Create a custom app 
Category: Custom
Type: Custom listening on a port

2) [web2py]
wget http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zip
unzip web2py_src.zip  
cd web2py
python2.7 web2py.py #seems needed before using it
ctrl+d #stopping it
cd .. #back to home directory

3)  [uwsgi]
wget http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-
tar xvzf uwsgi-
cd uwsgi-
/home/your_name/bin/python2.7 uwsgiconfig.py --build
mv uwsgi /home/your_name/bin
cd .. #back to home directory

uwsgi --http --pythonpath /home/your_name/
web2py --module wsgihandler -d /home/your_name/tmp/uwsgi.log -t 20 --
async 16 --ugreen --limit-as 64 -r --no-orphans -M -p 1 --touch-
reload /home/your_name/tmp/uwsgireload.txt --reload-on-rss 50

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