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On Oct 25, 1:07 pm, pepper_bg <> wrote:
> So is an amended dict subclass with dot notation
> indexing added. With the additional twist that when a key is missing
> s['missing_key'] will still raise the standard dict KeyError, while
> s.missing_key will return None. All this is fine, only as long as your
> keys are strings though. Using integer keys is still a very legitimate
> dict/Storage use, but you just don't have the non-KeyError-raising
> functionality (s.4 is just invalid syntax), i.e. I have to write
> different code depending on what my keys are.
> Here is some code if my explanation isn't clear:
> >>> from import Storage
> >>> s=Storage({'id':12,5:'yesterday'})
> #check for a missing string key>>> s.max         #None
> >>> s['max']
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> KeyError: 'max'
> #check for a missing integer key>>> s[6]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> KeyError: 6
> >>> s.6
>   File "<console>", line 1
>     s.6
>       ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> I thought it would be trivial to make s['missing_key'] return None,
> just like for example already does. Or was the
> intent whoever wanted to catch exceptions to use s['missing_key'] and
> whoever wanted to check for None to use s.missing_key? If that is the
> case I guess a lot of legacy code exists which already relies on
> catching exceptions and I will stick to my Storage subclass but wanted
> to check just in case this behavior could be changed sometime in
> Appreciate your feedback...

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