Not sure it has anything to do with your problem, but you cannot mix the 
parameter based and pattern based rewrite systems -- if you're using 
routers, you cannot also use routes_in/routes_out (I think the presences of 
routers will cause routes_in/routes_out to be ignored).

Regarding the address bar issue, it sounds like a jQuery Mobile issue -- 
you'll have to figure out how to get it to deal with your URLs 
appropriately. web2py is sending standard http responses to whatever URL 
requests it is receiving.


On Sunday, December 4, 2011 3:58:48 AM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> The login is here: /user/login
>        auth.settings.login_next = URL('default', args='index')
> I expect the address bar after redirection to show 
> in
> routers = dict(
>     BASE = dict(
>         default_application = 'my_dev',
>         default_controller='default'
>     ),
> )
> routes_in = (
>               ('/default/user/$anything', 
> '/my_dev/default/user/$anything'),
>               ('/$c/$f', '/my_dev/$c/$f'),
>               ('/favicon.ico', '/my_dev/static/favicon.ico'),   
>               ('/robots.txt', '/my_dev/static/robots.txt'),  
> )
> routes_out = (
>               ('/my_dev/default/user/$anything', 
> '/default/user/$anything'),
>               ('/my_dev/$c/$f', '/$c/$f'),
>               ('/static/$anything', '/my_dev/static/$anything'),
>              )

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