Note, you might consider asking about this in the jQuery Mobile 

On Sunday, December 4, 2011 8:42:34 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> Not sure it has anything to do with your problem, but you cannot mix the 
> parameter based and pattern based rewrite systems -- if you're using 
> routers, you cannot also use routes_in/routes_out (I think the presences of 
> routers will cause routes_in/routes_out to be ignored).
> Regarding the address bar issue, it sounds like a jQuery Mobile issue -- 
> you'll have to figure out how to get it to deal with your URLs 
> appropriately. web2py is sending standard http responses to whatever URL 
> requests it is receiving.
> Anthony
> On Sunday, December 4, 2011 3:58:48 AM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
>> The login is here: /user/login
>>        auth.settings.login_next = URL('default', args='index')
>> I expect the address bar after redirection to show 
>> in
>> routers = dict(
>>     BASE = dict(
>>         default_application = 'my_dev',
>>         default_controller='default'
>>     ),
>> )
>> routes_in = (
>>               ('/default/user/$anything', 
>> '/my_dev/default/user/$anything'),
>>               ('/$c/$f', '/my_dev/$c/$f'),
>>               ('/favicon.ico', '/my_dev/static/favicon.ico'),   
>>               ('/robots.txt', '/my_dev/static/robots.txt'),  
>> )
>> routes_out = (
>>               ('/my_dev/default/user/$anything', 
>> '/default/user/$anything'),
>>               ('/my_dev/$c/$f', '/$c/$f'),
>>               ('/static/$anything', '/my_dev/static/$anything'),
>>              )

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