I'm not sure what you want but you can pass args to grid. Like:

row_id = request.args[0]
query = (db.mytable.id == row_id)

table = SQLFORM.grid(query,

2011/12/21 Rahul <rahul.dhak...@gmail.com>

> Hi Johann,
>         Here are the details ---
> I have two tables - I need to grab the id of a contact from first
> table and use it to update a field status with values as Sent, Request
> etc.  in another table id being the same in both the table.
> Now in the below code, "Send Request" is just a button.
> links = [lambda row: A(SPAN(_class='icon plus'),'Send
> Request',_class='positive
> button',_href=URL("default","reqstatus",args=[row.id]))]
> This code is using the id (row.id)  from my contact table which is
> fine. Now, I want to use this id to send a request (using "Send
> Request" button in this grid) through reqstatus function. reqstatus is
> a separate function in my controller.
> My problem is how can I use the row.id of this sqlform.grid  any
> particular row and send a status update for a different table using
> this id.
> In short i want to use the above [row.id] in a separate function and
> pass it in a query. How can I achieve it? I hope I am clear this time.
> Let me know if case you need more details.
> I checked the below link  - but could not get it
> http://www.mail-archive.com/web2py@googlegroups.com/msg77334.html
> Thanks, Rahul D (www.flockbird.com - web2py powered)
> ------------------------
> On Dec 20, 6:31 pm, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 20 December 2011 14:25, Rahul <rahul.dhak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > @Johann, below code does not work for me. :(
> > >     links = [lambda row: A('Edit' , _href = URL('default',
> > > 'edit_journal', args = [row.id]))]
> >
> > > I used details='False'  and it does not show the buttons to me, but
> > > shows my custom button only which is what I intended.
> >
> > details = False  not details = 'False'
> >
> > That disable the 'View' button.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Again for the community - -----------
> > > I was just wondering if I can use the row.id or any information with
> > > sqlform.grid -
> > > Below is the link I have defined to show a button called Send Request.
> > > I have re-directed it to use a custom function "regstatus" that passes
> > > a row.id argument.
> > > ---code---
> > > links = [lambda row: A(SPAN(_class='icon plus'),'Send
> > > Request',_class='positive
> > > button',_href=URL("default","reqstatus",args=[row.id]))]
> > > ---
> > > I want to know how can I use the row.id  (in above -> args=[row.id])
> > > value and use it to make queries considering I want to use this id in
> > > my function "reqstatus" above -
> >
> > > Example- I would like to send some request to the record (row id) on
> > > which I am say a friend request etc.
> >
> > > Can we achieve this?
> >
> > It is still unclear to me what you want to do and what the problem is
> using
> > row.id.
> >
> > What is 'Send Request'?
> >
> > Maybe if you show your code it will get clearer.
> >
> > Regards
> > Johann
> >
> > --
> > Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
> > my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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