I have a simple use case as follows:

Given an employee table containing names and salaries, I want to retrieve 
the highest and lowest salaries *AND* the corresponding employee info. 
Ideally I'd like to do this in a single database request since in the real 
world we like to minimize the number of round trips to the database and 
associated db connection requests. 

(BTW: getting a db connection can incur significant overhead unless some 
form of connection pooling is provided).

My solution (see test code below) creates a raw sql query that includes a 
'UNION' clause to combine 2 separate min/max queries and does in fact 
require just one db connection.

I'm wondering if it is possible to build this type of query using the DAL 
but I suspect it may not be possible (AFAIK the DAL and other ORM's do not 
support UNION's). I see 2 issues here that make this difficult with the DAL:

  1) In addition to the min/max values I also want the corrsponding record 
info in the result set
  2) At best the DAL may require 2 separate db requests

Any DAL guru's out there care to comment on this and provide an alternative 
DAL solution here.



***************************************** DAL Sample Code 
Example: Find min & max emp salaries and related name using SQL and Web2py 

import os, sys

sdir = '/home/web2py'

    from gluon import DAL, Field
except ImportError as err:
    print('gluon path not found')
# target db - sqlite    
db = DAL("sqlite://emptest.db")    

# define emp table    
    Field('name', type='string'),
    Field('salary', type='double'),

# define dict with test data 
empdict = {'adams': 10, 'gates': 5, 'jobs': 20, 'david': 12, 'williams': 35}

def populate_table():
    # insert recs from dict into db
    rcnt = 0
    for (k,v) in empdict.iteritems():
        ddict ={}
        ddict['name'] = k
        ddict['salary'] = v
        print '>>> Inserting New Rec <<<'
            rcnt +=  1
           #raise RuntimeError, 'Script error'
           print '**** Insert Failed ****'
           print sys.exc_info()
    print '\nAdded %s recs to emp table' %rcnt
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import datetime
    dtstart = datetime.datetime.now()
    print '\n>>>>Starting at: %s <<<<\n' %dtstart.ctime()
    print '\n>>>>DB Trace Info: Db uri: %s; DB Name: %s\n' %(db._uri, 
    #check rec count 
    cnt = db(db.emp.id>0).count()
    #print '>>> Emp Rec Count: %s' %cnt
    #reload table
    if cnt>0:
        # deleting previous records
    #select min emp, salary
    strsql_min = 'select name, salary from (select min(salary) as minsal 
from emp) as x ' + \
                'inner join emp as t on t.salary = x.minsal'
    strsql_max = 'select name, salary from (select max(salary) as maxsal 
from emp) as x ' + \
                'inner join emp as t on t.salary = x.maxsal'
    # Build a Union Query; returns a pair of dicts with min&max values
    strsql =  strsql_min + ' UNION ' + strsql_max    
    rows = db.executesql(strsql, as_dict=True)
    mindict = rows[0]
    print '\n**** Lowest Salary:  Name: %s; \t Salary: %s' 
%(mindict['name'], mindict['salary'])
    maxdict = rows[1]
    print '**** Highest Salary: Name: %s; \t Salary: %s\n' 
%(maxdict['name'], maxdict['salary'])
    dtstop = datetime.datetime.now()
    print '\n>>>>Stopping at: %s <<<<\n' %dtstop.ctime()

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