just take a look to 
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Connection-pooling for 
understanding how DAL handles connections.

Your initial question was a concern on speed on aggregate and unions, and 
the script you provided clearly use one and only one db connection.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but having to "aggregate" or "union" involved 
in a query to fetch/show results involves anyway one and only one db 

I stated (and tested) that the difference in making 2 distinct queries and 
retrieve the results against making one query that returns similar results 
is negligible in this case.

The "two queries" method involves clearly two "roundtrips" to the database, 
but on the same connection.

When you use web2py, you can rely on "pool_size" parameter (as explained 
into the book) to avoid making and closing a connection for every request. 
Here "*request*" is a user requesting a page, not your application making a 
query to the database. You could do

def index():
    for a in range(1000):
        result = db(db.emp.id>0).select()

in one controller. What will be the behaviour ? User request the "index" 
page, DAL istantiate a new connection, DAL make 1000 queries to the db 
using the same connection.

If you use no "pool_size", then every time a user request the "index" page, 
the DAL will instantiate a new connection, make 1000 queries, and close the 
If you use the "pool_size" parameter, then the DAL fetch a connection from 
the pool, make 1000 queries, and put the connection back into the pool, 
ready to be used in subsequent requests of users going to the "index" page.

I hope I cleared all your doubts, if not, please ask :D 

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