Is it using SEO optimizations? Really nice project!

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 10:15 PM, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:

> I am trying to understand the COns and Pros between BSD, MIT and LGPL
> So I will choose one of that by the end of the week when beta will be
> officially released.
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Ross Peoples <>wrote:
>> I'm not sure how much my opinion matters here, but a lot of times, I am
>> not allowed to touch GPL code, especially AGPL code for a business project.
>> The legal department avoids (A)GPL like the plague. There are just too many
>> gotchas with it, whether real or imaginary. They much prefer I use MIT or
>> BSD, and have started to come around to LGPL. But there is no way they will
>> let me use anything more restrictive. Our legal department can't be the
>> only one in the corporate world that feels the same way.
>> So if you want real businesses to touch code, it has to be LGPL or better
>> (less restrictive). I believe this was one of the reasons web2py is using
>> LGPL now. But this is your project, and a great one at that! So feel free
>> to license it however you like, just be aware of the adoption issues.
>> --
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> --
> Bruno Rocha
> []
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