> Only question I have is:
> I am using MIchelle's code to facebook and google Oauth. [
> http://code.google.com/r/michelecomitini-facebookaccess/]

Oauth is GPLv2, which is not compatible with LGPL. Maybe you can get 
Michelle to switch to LGPL or make an exception for this one case.

> I am using Kenji pagination plugin [ 
> http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_paginator ]

These plugins are all MIT, so no problem including them in a LGPL project.

> I am using Ckeditor and Plugin Ckeditor by Ross Peoples  [
> https://bitbucket.org/PhreeStyle/web2py_ckeditor/wiki/Home]

I don't see any license with this one. Would probably be a good idea if 
Ross adopted some license (maybe MIT or BSD). Without an explicit license, 
I'm not sure about the legal status of its usage (at least in the US, it is 
copyrighted by default, so I'm not sure you can use it unless specific 
rights are explicitly granted or it has been put in the public domain).


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