How about:

1) - Download and install the framework (and python)
2) - Read first few chapters of the manual (you might want to invest $10 in 
the pdf manual and print off a few chapters for offline review) - Sometimes 
it's easier to concentrate w/out having a terminal to distract you). Try to 
get the general idea of the MVC pattern in your mind early on - that will 
help a lot when you start to dissect things later.
3) - Sit down with the manual and just type in the examples in the docs. 
Then run them - make sure they work- don't try to understand everything 
early on - you'll be surprised at how much sticks just by entering the code 
- even if you copy it from a book) - Seeing something working also whets 
the appetite.
4) Play around with your working simple/sample apps - break them, make a 
few deliberate mistakes and see what errors you get - this is good 
practice. You'll see plenty more in the future - so it helps to recognize 
some of the symptoms early on. You'll also see the benefits of the 
excellent ticketing system and admin in web2py, and it's something you'll 
miss if you try a different framework.
5) Download and check out some of the online apps or plugins and review the 
code - reading good code is a great learning exercise.
6) Ask questions on this helpful forum - when you climb the learning curve 
come back here and help others 

That should keep you busy for a few days/weeks. Also keep in mind that a 
lot of what youlearn will be useful in the future - even if you decide to 
learn another web framework. (MVC. CSS, SQL etc are common across many web 
frameworks). Web2py however, is one of the more approachable ones with a 
gently learning curve.

Hope this helps,

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