I don't agree that multiprocessing is difficult in Python. Threading is 
difficult, multiprocessing is easy. Together with asynchronous I/O this 
brings the scalability. You think node.js is multithreading? No, it's 
single thread with event loop and non-blocking callbacks based I/O. And so 
is Twisted or Eventlet and they perform equally well. If you need to scale 
you add another instance of the event loop running on a separate core and 
route your traffic through a load balancer.

I also disagree that python 3.x is a problem. It is a better language than 
2.x. It's a shame that the transition of many projects is happening so 
slow. If the life of 2.x is extended it will only cause further delays in 
transition to 3.x.

Also, in all this discussion on how tragic it is that Python has been 
surpassed by the Javascript, we need to remember that TIOBE index is 
calculated by counting hits on the top 9 search engines using a query of 
"<language> programming". And as Derek has already spotted the query for 
Javascript has been extended and includes "JS programming" too [1]. I think 
it is much more reasonable to count the number of commits in a given 
programming language like ohloh is doing [2]. Then Python is not so much 
behind Java/C/C++ and is recovering from a drop in activity in 2011.

[2] http://goo.gl/suOH6

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