Yes, stats like this can be deceiving when automated queries are used. One 
of my web2py projects on github is categorized as "C" rather than python or 
javascript! I can only assume this is because I have the lxml library in 
there (?) But I've never written a line of C in my life, and it certainly 
isn't the language for that app!


On Friday, March 30, 2012 10:01:40 AM UTC-4, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> I don't agree that multiprocessing is difficult in Python. Threading is 
> difficult, multiprocessing is easy. Together with asynchronous I/O this 
> brings the scalability. You think node.js is multithreading? No, it's 
> single thread with event loop and non-blocking callbacks based I/O. And so 
> is Twisted or Eventlet and they perform equally well. If you need to scale 
> you add another instance of the event loop running on a separate core and 
> route your traffic through a load balancer.
> I also disagree that python 3.x is a problem. It is a better language than 
> 2.x. It's a shame that the transition of many projects is happening so 
> slow. If the life of 2.x is extended it will only cause further delays in 
> transition to 3.x.
> Also, in all this discussion on how tragic it is that Python has been 
> surpassed by the Javascript, we need to remember that TIOBE index is 
> calculated by counting hits on the top 9 search engines using a query of 
> "<language> programming". And as Derek has already spotted the query for 
> Javascript has been extended and includes "JS programming" too [1]. I think 
> it is much more reasonable to count the number of commits in a given 
> programming language like ohloh is doing [2]. Then Python is not so much 
> behind Java/C/C++ and is recovering from a drop in activity in 2011.
> [1] 
> [2]

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