Hi all, 

For one of my applications, I use web2py as a rest backend for a extjs 
application. So, in order to redirect to this app, I have 
def index():
    example action using the internationalization operator T and flash
    rendered by views/default/index.html or views/generic.html
    redirect(URL(a=request.application, c='static', f='index.html'))

The problem is I want to have only the server name in the url so I added a 
routes.py with 
routers = dict(
 BASE = dict(
 default_application = "webmoni",
 applications = ['webmoni','admin'],
 controllers = 'DEFAULT'

but it seems that the redirect neglects the default_application removal 
attempt from the url. 
How can I achieve this ? (not to 
have https://webmoni/webmoni/static/index.html as displayed url)

Moreover, I did try the domains option but there were no way for me to get 
access to the admin app?
Could anyone give an example with port 80 to app and 443 to admin using 
domains option ?

Thanks in advance !!!

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