On Apr 2, 2012, at 3:27 AM, Joseph.Piron wrote:
> Ah, and another simple question, maybe dull.. :)
> Does the domains option have any use when web2py's app is served from a 
> apache or nginx frontend by wsgi ?


There are two reasons (that I can think of) why it might not. One is whether 
the frontend server is serving the requests to a shared instance (or set of 
shared instances) of web2py. If different domains go to dedicated web2py 
instances, there'd be no point in domain routing in web2py. Also, you might 
want to do your domain-to-application rewriting in the frontend server, in 
which case it wouldn't be useful in web2py. There's of course overlap between 
those two conditions.

FWIW, from the router's point of view, Rocket is just another wsgi frontend 

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