Indeed, makes sense.
Thanks for the confirmation :)

On 02 Apr 2012, at 16:02, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

> On Apr 2, 2012, at 3:27 AM, Joseph.Piron wrote:
>> Ah, and another simple question, maybe dull.. :)
>> Does the domains option have any use when web2py's app is served from a 
>> apache or nginx frontend by wsgi ?
> Maybe.
> There are two reasons (that I can think of) why it might not. One is whether 
> the frontend server is serving the requests to a shared instance (or set of 
> shared instances) of web2py. If different domains go to dedicated web2py 
> instances, there'd be no point in domain routing in web2py. Also, you might 
> want to do your domain-to-application rewriting in the frontend server, in 
> which case it wouldn't be useful in web2py. There's of course overlap between 
> those two conditions.
> FWIW, from the router's point of view, Rocket is just another wsgi frontend 
> server.

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