I will double check. You should be able to do


which uses iframe.
perhaps we should also have a 


This requires some more thought. What features would you like to see?

On Friday, 6 April 2012 10:34:17 UTC-5, Alan Etkin wrote:
> > @{controller/function/a/r/g/s.extension} (converts to the corresponding 
> full URL http://..../app/controller/function/a/r/g/s.extension)
> The example as is didn't work for me: this instead did:
> @{appname/controller/function.extension}
> And as I posted elsewhere makes a link. Now for me this could be handy too:
> @{appname/controller/function.extension <element key>}
> The above sentence would tell markmin to retrieve the action dictionary 
> and put the element's output in the page. Markmin would have also to store 
> the action function call somewhere to avoid redundancy.
> Another question.
> Can we do @{request.now} for example? (without the need to pass 
> environment to the markmin helper)

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