On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 13:06:09 -0300
Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry community, but we do not have to expect a ready-to-use solution
> if nobody contributes with running code! Both projects are open
> source in github or bitbicket. get the source, propose patches, send
> pull requests. 

I understand the point, but as user of PHP CMS-es wanting to leave PHP
and embrace web2py, I simply do not feet secure investing in the project
with bus-factor of 1...seeing that community is a bit behind 'em woudl
be great.

> Lets put our forces together and may be build the
> next-great-web2py-thing! it have not to be called Movuca, aldo it has
> not to be called Instant Press, but I think community should take
> these two projects as example and may be merge/fork/contribute.

That would be great and hopefully there would be place to noob to
contribute with some add-ons, themes etc.


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vision a learned and gentle brāhmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog 
and a dog-eater.

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