Instant Press is built by @Martin and I dont know if he gets contribution is built by @rochacbruno (me) and I did not get too much
contribution (two or 3 people helped with ideas and translations)
Do you think muvuca could be staffed with the features shown in Mezzanine (I haven't know it before nor used it):

    Hierarchical page navigation
    Save as draft and preview on site
    Scheduled publishing
    Drag-and-drop page ordering
    WYSIWYG editing
    In-line page editing
    Drag-and-drop HTML5 forms builder with CSV export
    SEO friendly URLs and meta data
    Shopping cart module (Cartridge)
    Configurable dashboard widgets
    Blog engine
    User accounts and profiles with email verification
    Translated to over 20 languages
    Sharing via Facebook or Twitter


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