On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Mariano Reingart <reing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Tim Michelsen
> <timmichel...@gmx-topmail.de> wrote:
>>> Instant Press is built by @Martin and I dont know if he gets contribution
>>> Movu.ca is built by @rochacbruno (me) and I did not get too much
>>> contribution (two or 3 people helped with ideas and translations)
>> Do you think muvuca could be staffed with the features shown in Mezzanine (I
>> haven't know it before nor used it):
>>     Hierarchical page navigation
>>     Save as draft and preview on site
>>     Scheduled publishing
>>     Drag-and-drop page ordering
>>     WYSIWYG editing
>>     In-line page editing
>>     Drag-and-drop HTML5 forms builder with CSV export
>>     SEO friendly URLs and meta data
>>     Shopping cart module (Cartridge)
>>     Configurable dashboard widgets
>>     Blog engine
>>     Tagging
>>     User accounts and profiles with email verification
>>     Translated to over 20 languages
>>     Sharing via Facebook or Twitter
> Please, take a look at web2conf:
> https://code.google.com/p/web2conf/
> It has many of your requested features (wyswyg online editor,
> navigation bar, user profiles, twitter and blog/rss integration,
> schedule/ratings, translations). We are adding something similar to a
> shopping cart for the registration system.
> Some features are made with plugins and/or are reusable outside the
> conference management system.
> If there is enough interest, we could improve and make it a general CMS.
> Also, there are many companies and professionals that can be hired to
> develop such a project, or contributing to existing ones.
> A fundraising would be a good option to start this.

BTW, measuring "community" is difficult.

For example, django has a larger community here in Argentina, but
earlier web-conference projects like PyCon-Tech failed to gain such
traction anyway, and current alternatives are too complex IMHO and
needs highly experienced developers.

I would also take into consideration maintainability (backward
compatibility, all-inclusive real full-stack features, compact code,
Maybe you have to program a little more, but believe me, you will have
a better control of the situation, specially when you need to extend
or scale the app.
As someone told before, most of the features of a CMS are simple to
implement in web2py, maybe that's why there aren't many big and
complex projects.

I've made a blog post about this, telling the history of web2conf in
Argentina (in Spanish, sorry):


In brief, I've made a mistake selecting PyCon-Tech in 2009 for our
first conference.
As it was built in django (and used by PyConUS), I thought it have
enough community to at least fix bugs and survive.
I was wrong.
The project literally died and we even lost the web sites (django
0.96, unmaitained, eat up all of our server memory)
Hopefully, with web2py, we could resurrect our old websites and go
ahead the last two years.

You can see it running here:


Best regards,

Mariano Reingart


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