> +1 to making it an inbuilt feature and creating an easy to use API. I am 
> not a python newbie, but your code is very tough meat to swallow.

I've mentioned this before, but "model-less" just means that your db table 
definitions are moved into modules instead of being executed in files in 
the /models folder. It does not require you to take the highly class-based 
approach you see in Bruno's example. You could just as easily define some 
simple functions in a module and put some standard db.define_table() calls 
inside those functions. On the other hand, you could use Bruno's 
class-based architecture even in standard model files (i.e., essentially 
make the table definitions lazy) -- that style is not restricted to modules.

I'm not sure there's any particular feature to build in here -- it's 
already fairly straightforward to put code (including db definitions) into 
modules. However, there have been some recent discussions about improving 
the performance of the regular model files (e.g., lazy table definitions).



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