> Second, session handling.  Sessions are locked at the beginning of a 
> request and is released only when the request is finished.  You can 
> "session forget"; but when your app is complex, this is not feasibly or 
> natural.

True, but if there's a lot of complexity associated with when sessions need 
to be enabled or disabled, doesn't the complexity remain even if you use an 
alternative framework that doesn't handle sessions out of the box?

> Further, if you have a sudden peak, session files will quickly accumulate 
> and slow things down.  I think web2py does not yet have an effective and 
> efficient way to delete session files.

How about a background task? What are some good alternatives? Note, I'm not 
sure if it has been implemented yet, but I think there's a plan for a 
cookie based session alternative (which has its pros and cons as well).



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