Could this be a problem of 2.5 vs 2.7? Have you tried 2.5?

On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 04:20:16 UTC-5, David Sorrentino wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> My name is David and I started "playing" with web2py few days ago. My 
> first impression is definitely positive and I hope to start soon 
> contributing to this wonderful community!
> Yesterday I built my first app and deployed it with nginx. Works like a 
> charm! :D
> So, today I wanted to try google appengine. Everything seemed to be 
> working fine, but as soon as I performed a connection to the database I got 
> this error from
> WARNING  2012-09-18 08:37:03,329] Can't open zipfile 
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info: IOError: 
>> [Errno 13] file not accessible: 
>> '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info'
>> WARNING  2012-09-18 08:37:03,860] 
>> Blocking access to skipped file 
>> "/home/david/WebDevelopment/content-manager/web2py/gluon/"
> Looks like it can't access *setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info*, but such file is 
> there and its permissions are OK.
> Obviously, the connection to the database doesn't work.
> So, I edited * *and changed:
> def IsFileAccessible(filename, normcase=os.path.normcase, 
>> py27_optional=False):
> in:
>> def IsFileAccessible(filename, normcase=os.path.normcase, 
>> py27_optional=True):
> and I got this different error (related to the same origin but imho more 
> specific):
> WARNING  2012-09-18 09:04:39,300] Can't open zipfile 
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info: BadZipfile: 
>> File is not a zip file
>> ...
> Looks like it's looking for a ZIP file and of course *
> setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info* is not. O_o
> Operating system: archlinux.
> Any hints? Tell me if you need more specific information.
> I wish everybody a wonderful Tuesday!
> David


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