Just tried on my ubuntu server and everything works super fine, both with
python 2.5 and 2.7.
I also tried a "vanilla" version of archlinux on a virtual machine and
nothing changed.
I don't know why, but seems like archlinux doesn't like the appengine SDK.

However, perhaps it's not the best solution ever, but for now I'm going to
develop my apps by running the appserver remotely on the ubuntu server.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna keep on looking for a solution for my poor arch. :)

Thank you one more time for your time and support Massimo!


On 18 September 2012 21:10, David Sorrentino <sorrentino...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Oddly enough I'm getting these WARNING/ERRORS just with the SDK. I checked
> the logs of the GAE and they are cleaned. ;)
> Yes, all of them are related to the content of the folder *plural_rules*.
> Yes, it looks like they are always the same files.
> Appengine is giving me some lemons, but I'm not gonna give up! :)
> Thank you for your help Massimo.
> Cheers,
> David
> On 18 September 2012 20:22, Massimo Di Pierro 
> <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Strange. Are you getting the errors with the SDK or GAE or both? Are most
>> of the errors for pyc files or files in plural_rules? does it look they are
>> always the same files?
>> On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 11:08:44 UTC-5, David Sorrentino wrote:
>>> Apparently it is.
>>> Just tried with python 2.5 and it seems to work.
>>> I just get an avalanche of warnings every time a load a page.
>>> Here an instance:
>>> http://pastebin.com/MPZVS1FM
>>> Do you know why all this mess happens? Is it related to the handler
>>> defined in app.yaml? I used the one present in the scaffolding.
>>> Thank you for your help, and thank you very much for all the work you
>>> did so far. It's impressive! :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>>> On 18 September 2012 17:01, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Could this be a problem of 2.5 vs 2.7? Have you tried 2.5?
>>>> On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 04:20:16 UTC-5, David Sorrentino wrote:
>>>>> Hi everybody!
>>>>> My name is David and I started "playing" with web2py few days ago. My
>>>>> first impression is definitely positive and I hope to start soon
>>>>> contributing to this wonderful community!
>>>>> Yesterday I built my first app and deployed it with nginx. Works like
>>>>> a charm! :D
>>>>> So, today I wanted to try google appengine. Everything seemed to be
>>>>> working fine, but as soon as I performed a connection to the database I 
>>>>> got
>>>>> this error from dev_appserver.py:
>>>>> WARNING  2012-09-18 08:37:03,329 py_zipimport.py:139] Can't open
>>>>>> zipfile 
>>>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-**packag**es/setuptools-0.6c11.**egg-info:
>>>>>> IOError: [Errno 13] file not accessible: '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-**
>>>>>> packa**ges/setuptools-0.6c11.**egg-**info'
>>>>>> WARNING  2012-09-18 08:37:03,860 dev_appserver_import_hook.py:**5**46]
>>>>>> Blocking access to skipped file "/home/david/WebDevelopment/**co**
>>>>>> ntent-manager/web2py/gluon/**roc**ket.py"
>>>>> Looks like it can't access *setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info*, but such
>>>>> file is there and its permissions are OK.
>>>>> Obviously, the connection to the database doesn't work.
>>>>> So, I edited *dev_appserver_import_hook.py *and changed:
>>>>> def IsFileAccessible(filename, normcase=os.path.normcase,
>>>>>> py27_optional=False):
>>>>> in:
>>>>>> def IsFileAccessible(filename, normcase=os.path.normcase,
>>>>>> py27_optional=True):
>>>>> and I got this different error (related to the same origin but imho
>>>>> more specific):
>>>>> WARNING  2012-09-18 09:04:39,300 py_zipimport.py:139] Can't open
>>>>>> zipfile 
>>>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-**packag**es/setuptools-0.6c11.**egg-info:
>>>>>> BadZipfile: File is not a zip file
>>>>>> ...
>>>>> Looks like it's looking for a ZIP file and of course *
>>>>> setuptools-0.6c11.egg-info* is not. O_o
>>>>> Operating system: archlinux.
>>>>> Any hints? Tell me if you need more specific information.
>>>>> I wish everybody a wonderful Tuesday!
>>>>> David
>>>>  --
>>>  --


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