I just wanted to share my latest web2py application 
 In short, SiteLab helps small ecommerce websites load quickly and 
available at all hours of the day.  Studies have shown that potential 
customers expect a site to load in less than 2 seconds and will abandon it 
if it doesn't load in 3 seconds.  That's a huge number of potential 
customers lost to simple website load time issues!

With the "Value" plan, SiteLab will also load customer's websites in a 
browser every 5 minutes to make sure it's always available.  Lastly, 
customers can get screenshots of their websites in any modern browser/OS 
combination imaginable  -- yes, this includes iPad, iPhone and Android 

SiteLab was written in Python using the Web2Py framework and hosted using 
the Rackspace Cloud.  You can view my blog post about it 
here: http://qamusings.com/2012/09/24/introducing-sitelab-co/


Jim Kellas


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