On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Eric Seidel<e...@webkit.org> wrote:
> We're down to 60 now.  84 when I started my crusade (shortly before sending
> the previous mail).
> https://bugs.webkit.org/buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=review%3F
> A long way to go yet!  I think I'm tuckered out for the evening.

If there is anything Maxime and I can do to help with the Haiku
patches, let me know. I believe all the remaining patches have been
run through the cpplint script so there should not be any code
violations. The GSoC is ending within 10 days or so and it would be
nice if these patches could be committed by then.

I don't have time tonight but I'll check the remaining patches as best
I can tomorrow to be sure they look OK.

I know you guys are busy and probably inundated with patches so I
don't want all the various Haiku patches to be a burden. It just takes
a lot of code to add a new platform to WebKit, as you all probably

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