I'm somewhat concerned about GlobalScript too. I am pretty wary of putting complex features in WebKit if it seems like they will be rejected by the standards process and become orphan WebKit-only technologies. Perhaps I am somewhat sensitive about this because it looks like the SQL Database is heading down that road, but it's too late now for us to drop it. My impression from WHATWG and from TPAC is that the web standards community and other browser implementors don't really buy into the value of this feature, so I think there's good odds we would end up in the orphan situation.

That's not to say GlobalScript is a bad feature on its own merits. In fact, a while back, in a meeting with some of the Gears folks before Chrome was publicly announced, I argued that we should have something like this (a shared object that all pages from a particular domain could access, where global state and code could live) *instead* of SharedWorker, because having a separate thread did not seem essential to the stated use cases. So I can see some plusses to the GlobalScript design. But now that SharedWorker is out there and has multiple implementations, it's much harder to make the case for GlobalScript. And it seems like people in the Web standards community, and in particular other browser vendors, are not sold.

I'm worried in particular that we'll end up in a situation with WebKit of sort of throwing darts at the wall and seeing what sticks, feature- wise. A scatter-shot approach is not so great, because it can become very hard to phase out the features that don't get wide traction, if even only a few sites end up depending on them, and even if their use is conditional.

Now, sometimes a new idea seems either so hugely valuable or so trivial and low-cost that we don't care if it ends up a WebKit-only feature. I'm not sure this is one of those cases.

Based on this, I agree with Sam's opinion that we should wait and see how workers (and in particular SharedWorker) play out before we take up this feature.


On Nov 25, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Sam Weinig wrote:

Hi Dmitry,

As I have noted to others on the Chrome team, I do not think this is good idea and I don't think we should have it in WebKit. It adds extra complexity to WebKit and gives little beyond what is possible using inter-window communication and SharedWorkers. I think we need to give more time for large applications to adopt designs around workers before we reverse course, at which point, we should again discuss this in the standards community.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Dmitry Titov <dim...@chromium.org> wrote:
Hi webkit!

I'm starting to work on actual implementation of GlobalScript experimental API and started to post patches (hopefully in reviewable portions). There is an uber-bug which has plan of implementation.

The current plan is to get it in under ENABLE_GLOBAL_SCRIPT, with both JSC and v8 bindings (first with JSC because at the moment JSC bindings are easier to work with and I'd wish WebKit not to have 1- engine-only features ever).

I'd be glad to know if there are suggestions, ideas or concerns of any kind... For example, if there is no interest in JSC bindings, it can be hard to get them reviewed by someone who knows them well. It'd be better to know that earlier.


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