On Wednesday 13 January 2010 18:23:21 Darin Adler wrote:
> Someone is porting WebKit to Qualcomm’s BREW. And there are many patches
>  for that port; now a significant fraction of the unreviewed WebKit
>  patches. Who’s going to review these? Is this a one-time code drop or is
>  there an intent to maintain this port ongoing? Does the test suite work on
>  the BREW platform yet? Will someone maintain a buildbot?
> I won’t be reviewing these patches myself until I know the answers to some
>  of those questions.

Last time I checked one needs to have a contract with Qualcomm (NDA) to get 
information (header files, documentation) that is beyond marketing bla bla.

I would be interested if we are allowed to host and distribute the sourcecode 
that has used information which is under a NDA.

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