The bots take 15 minutes to cycle.  The moment the build is broken,
thats FIX_TIME + BOT_CYCLE_TIME until their green again.

I think we should cap the fix grace period at something like 15
minutes, that means no more than 30 minutes of tree redness per break.
 That might be too aggressive to start with for WebKit, but I think we
should move towards that.

I would re-write rule one as something like this:
1.  Comment in the bugzilla bug when the build breaks.  If there is no
bugzilla bug, comment in #webkit.
2.  15 minutes after the break or 10 minutes after the comment, with
no reply from the breaker, roll out the patch.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Nikolas Zimmermann
<> wrote:
> Am 26.02.2010 um 18:17 schrieb Dimitri Glazkov:
>> To summarize the thread:
>> 1) We're adopting "when in doubt, roll it out" approach to patches
>> that turn tree red.
>> 2) Need to find a way to run Mac-EWS for non-committers.
>> 3) Enable "build-break" emails to webkit-dev or another opt-in mailing
>> list
>> What else?
> I'm a bit scared of rule 1. How about we define a minimum delay when to
> roll-out patches, after they break something?
> Let's say, if a commit breaks the tree, give the commiter a time frame of 30
> minutes to fix it - otherwhise roll-out (we could even automate that.)
> Example: When landing a SVG patch, that worked fine on Leopard, but broke
> Snow Leopard, I'd like to have some time to identify wheter it's the
> fault of my patch, or a platform specific problem. If it's the fault of my
> patch, I have no problem with reverting. But if I can't immediately fix the
> problem, because it's a platform specific issue, which can not be fixed (in
> terms of WebKit), then adding to the Skipped list, and filing a new bug
> just takes 5 minutes. Reverting the whole patch, just to reland it with a
> Skipped list addition is a bit too much work for me.
> What do others think?
> Cheers,
> Niko
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