
I recently learned that the C++ core guidelines recommend against using 
unsigned to avoid negative values. Section 4.4 on page 73 of The C++ 
Programming Language says unsigned types should be used for bitfields and not 
in an attempt to ensure values are positive. Some talks by people on the C++ 
standards committee (e.g., Herb Sutter) recommend against using unsigned types 
simply because the value is expected to by positive.

Should we be avoiding unsigneds for these purposes? WebKit uses unsigneds all 
over the place, and I’m assuming a fair many of them are there to indicate that 
negative values are avoided. The C++ recommendation goes against my intuition 
that the type is there for clarity, to indicate expectations about the meaning 
and behavior of its value. But if it’s standard practice to just use int 
instead, perhaps we should update the style guide?

What do you think?

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