Late to the party but….

Avoiding unsigned is usually recommended to avoid inadvertent underflow:

    unsigned big = 200;
    unsigned small = 100;
    auto result = small - big; // underflow

This is particularly bad when doing math on buffer offsets and sizes, and can 
result in OOB bugs. I believe Apple’s media frameworks code has a “no unsigned 
usage” rule because of that. I’m surprised that no-one has raised it in this 


> On Jan 24, 2023, at 2:00 AM, Myles Maxfield via webkit-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I recently learned that the C++ core guidelines recommend against using 
> unsigned to avoid negative values. Section 4.4 on page 73 of The C++ 
> Programming Language says unsigned types should be used for bitfields and not 
> in an attempt to ensure values are positive. Some talks by people on the C++ 
> standards committee (e.g., Herb Sutter) recommend against using unsigned 
> types simply because the value is expected to by positive.
> Should we be avoiding unsigneds for these purposes? WebKit uses unsigneds all 
> over the place, and I’m assuming a fair many of them are there to indicate 
> that negative values are avoided. The C++ recommendation goes against my 
> intuition that the type is there for clarity, to indicate expectations about 
> the meaning and behavior of its value. But if it’s standard practice to just 
> use int instead, perhaps we should update the style guide?
> What do you think?
> —Myles
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