I'm sitting at my desk, reconfiguring my network monitor, when the phone rings.
 Caller-ID tells me it's  Justin Mason. I pick the receiver up and say:

> >>One of the most common error was on <P> tags. w3 reported the following
> >>suggestion:
> >I assume you were using the EtText formatting option?


> >Just be patient; Justin's said that this is on the to-do list. I would have fixed 
> >it myself, but I'm not much of a programmer.
> Remind me again about this one?   Is it from EtText?
> I'm seeing this:
> Which seems to be working.  Is there another form that's not?

Maybe I misunderstood webmake's documentation, attached is a sample .wmk
file I wrote and the corresponding .html

w3 validator says:

Line 9, column 4: document type does not allow element "p" here;
assuming missing "body" start-tag 

Line 10, column 25: document type does not allow element "body" here

      <body bgcolor="white">
Line 19, column 7: end tag for "body" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was

Line 10, column 4: start tag was here (explain...). 

      <body bgcolor="white">

shall I try the CVS code?

Home Page: http://www.nervous.it

BOFH excuse 4877:
 * The vulcan-death-grip ping has been applied.

<content name=header format="text/html" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<content name=body format="text/et" />
<body bgcolor=white>
<b>Clam Antivirus</b>
<h1>test page</h1>
see if it works
<hr />
<content name=footer format="text/html" />
<content name=out_helper>
        <{set page_text="${${WebMake.OutName}.txt}" }>
<for name="page" values="main">
        <out name="${page}" file="${page}.html"> ${out_helper} </out>

Title: test

Clam Antivirus blabla

test page

see if it works


Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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