Le 07-07-04 à 14:13, Ketema J. Harris a écrit :

I appreciate the advice. I now have Eclipse up an WOLips installed. I am running through some tutorials and have a bunch to learn.

In one of the links provided by Chuck, I noticed that apache can be used as the webserver for WO. Is this the standard now?

It is, for a long time. BUT, unlike PHP, the application don't run inside a Apache process. Each instance of a WO application run as a separate process, and they are manage by wotaskd. You also have Monitor, who is used to manage the instances and applications (Monitor is kinda of a front end to wotaskd).

Reason I ask is because I have plenty of Linux boxes with apache on them lying around with which I can play, and really do not want to use my xserve if I don't have to. (I like it doing what's it doing).

Running WO apps on Linux is not as easy as doing it on OS X. You can also mix and match : using Apache on your Linux boxes with the WebObjects adaptator (who is a Apache plug-in) and running the apps on the XServe.


On Jul 4, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Janine Sisk wrote:

Xcode and friends (WOBuilder, etc) have been deprecated by Apple for WO development only; Xcode is still active for Cocoa.

<shameless plug>
I wrote a fairly in-depth tutorial for writing a first project in WO, using Eclipse and WOLips. It can be found at http:// wotutorial.furfly.com. It's due for an update (despite only having been published for about a month) which I hope to have done in a week or so.
</shameless plug>


On Jul 4, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Ketema J. Harris wrote:

Do you know Java? If not, get a good book on Java. I like Thinking in Java: http://www.mindview.net/Books/TIJ/
Yes I need to freshen up on what libraries are out there for me to use so i don't reinvent the wheel, but I can get arond Java fine.

Xcode and EOModeler are dead. Do not use them. Just don't. Use Eclipse and WOLips.

OK. I'll go look those up now. Why do you say the Apple tools are dead? Do you mean dead for just the webobject creation? I kinda like it for ObjC tools and desktop apps.

The app server, such as it is, is part of the development install as well. It is not like other app servers, it is rather tiny and inconspicuous. Don't worry about it. It just works.

OK. I'll take your word for it once I get a project in place.

If I have questions on Eclipse and WOLips I'll write back.


Ketema J. Harris
ketemaj on iChat

On Jul 4, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jul 4, 2007, at 10:21 AM, Ketema J. Harris wrote:

Hello All,

I am new to webobjects but not new to web application programming. I have recently started developing for the Mac Platform and am no interested in using Apple's webobjects frame work. here is my situation:

I am a longtime php and postgresql on apache developer. I have a Dual G5 xserve running OS X Server 10.4.10. Currently the xserve is only configured as a file & print server. I also have an intel mac pro as my development station running OS X 10.4.10 with all the Xcode & webobjects development tools installed.

Do you know Java? If not, get a good book on Java. I like Thinking in Java: http://www.mindview.net/Books/TIJ/

I would like to do the following:
1) install the webobjects application server on my workstation (not running server) so I can tool around without affecting my xserve.

The app server, such as it is, is part of the development install as well. It is not like other app servers, it is rather tiny and inconspicuous. Don't worry about it. It just works.

2) In xcode/eomodeler

Xcode and EOModeler are dead. Do not use them. Just don't. Use Eclipse and WOLips. Tutorials here: http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/ WOL/Tutorials Intro to WO tutorial here: http://wiki.objectstyle.org/ confluence/display/WOL/Tutorials More info here: http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php? title=Programming:WebObjects

i would like to know how to install the jdbc drivers for postgresql. i placed the driver in /Library/Java/Extensions and included the proper path

Which path? No need for the JDBC driver path. Other things are needed.

in a HelloWorld project i started. after creating some simple entities following the documentation guide I tried to generate the sql and i got an error about my classpath being wrong. even after exporting the above path into the CLASSPATH variable in my shell, xcode and webobjects don't see it. How do I add the jdbc driver so that the dev environment can use it ?

Classpath is irrelevant.  Use the new tools.



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