I feel the urge to voice opinions about this.

- EOF is an ORM not a SQL generator. Its task is to allow you to work in a pure OO work and make object graph management and persistent transparent. Meaning: you want to do your processing in Java, not in the database. - You are free to extend EOF's magic by writing custom qualifiers. I have some on my web site: http://www.bernard-web.com/pierre - qualifierWithFormat() is evil. The qualifier string cannot be validated by the compiler. You are tempted to write out attribute names in String, thus making future evolutions of the model difficult. It is almost like writing SQL


On Jul 4, 2007, at 11:06 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

I can appreciate that breadth of functionality indeed, but it obviously comes at the sacrifice of relational database-specific functionality. It would be nice if EOF (and I guess by EOF here, what I really mean is EOQualifier or some variant) went to greater pains to accommodate what is (I would assume) the more widely used case, which is interacting with a relational database at something more than a very basic level for queries. For a second I got all excited that EOF actually did this when I stumbled across EOSQLQualifier, but I see that this has been deprecated. It appears there is already some limited expansion of the functionality in ERXEOUtilities for doing grouping, I think, so maybe extending database specific functionality there is something that will happen in the future. I can vaguely conceive of how to do it using EOFetchspecification's setHints method, but don't have time to try to prove the concept at the moment. If anyone else has tinkered with this concept, I would love to hear about the outcome.

On Jul 4, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Apparently EOF considers even subtraction to be a database specific task, and I guess the thought is that somehow this ruins database independence.
It's not that it "somehow" ruins it, it just "does" ruin it. EOF is not just database vendor independent, it's literally datastore independent. EOQualifiers provide an abstraction on the concept of a query language. For instance, I'm working on JavaMailAdaptor right now, which is an EOF adaptor on top of an arbitrary JavaMail store. You can see how embedding straight SQL into a qualifier could be problematic in that kind of scenario.


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