I believe this is related to the issue of streaming vs non-streaming file uploads ... If you are setting your request encoding to, for instance, UTF8, there's a bug somewhere along the chain (maybe in Wonder, maybe in WO, I haven't looked much) that if you bind to an NSData, the data will have already been consumed by the time it gets back to the WOFileUpload component, which gives a totally obtuse error message about it. I remember I looked into this some a few months back, but didn't spend much time on it ... Streaming to file paths works, and I think input/output streams work. I /think/ it's just binding to an NSData doesn't? I'm not positive about which of those do and don't work, offhand, though ...


On Aug 2, 2007, at 1:24 PM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

Hi Clark,

I know there is some stupid hack that I don't really understand that fixes your particular problem (No form data left for WOFileUpload). You can set a system property in the following way:

    System.setProperty( "WOUseLegacyMultipartParser", "YES" );

and the problem will probably go away. Be warned though, there are some places where this seems like a bad idea. I recently lost a good half day trying to get AjaxUploadComponent to work. The key to fixing it? Remove the line I just mentioned above.

Does anyone on the list actually understand the underlying issues here? I've always been curious, but never had time to dig.


On Aug 1, 2007, at 10:00 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

I should also mention... my enctype is set to "multipart/form- data", and I get a stack trace that says:

[2007-08-01 19:59:46 MDT] <WorkerThread0> <com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentRequestHandler>: Exception occurred while handling request: java.lang.IllegalStateException: <com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOFileUpload> No form data left for WOFileUpload!


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