Can anyone give a true state of the union write up as to where we are with tools and the future based up Leopard now released, the WWDC over with ( and hopefully any NDAs not infringed ) and the involvement of WONDER etc...

It would be good to have a coherent vision of what we have and where we are going....
Here's my notable bullet point list:

* WebObjects is very much alive. WebObjects 5.4 is the first step in many years of Apple actually trying to move the platform forward, and more will come.

* EOModeler is dead and gone. Entity Modeler (from the WOLips project) replaces it. iTunes Store has also funded us to develop a .app variant of Entity Modeler that you can run outside of Eclipse. In the current builds, Entity is able to read IDEA and Eclipse project files to determine model dependencies. NetBeans project file support is likely also coming.

* WebObjects Builder is dead and gone. Component Editor replaces it. This is the #1 point of contention, I believe, as Entity Modeler is a fairly complete replacement for EOModeler. Component Editor does not provide the equivalent of the quasi-preview mode (the thing that can do the table editing with binding wiring). It does provide, in recent builds, component previews that are very similar (I think more useful, IMNSHO :) ) to WOB's, extensive support for completion, and there is a new bindings editor coming that is essentially based on the bindings inspector panel from WOB (for people who don't want to think about it, the intent is that this can replace the WOD Editor view). For what I'm doing, this is the majority of my focus at the moment. Well, "easier-to-use" in general has been my main focus for the past few weeks. I've been really trying to go through the UI's and tighten things up (the new Entity Modeler error dialog is a good example of this). I really want to get the tools to a place where WOB people aren't totally turned off. I don't know how far that will go at the moment. Thomas has been my grumpy customer benchmark up until now, but he's been unusually happy recently. As luck would have it, I think I have found my new grumpy customer benchmark.

* RuleEditor is dead and gone. Rule Modeler replaces it. Again, not mine :), but it's in Project Wonder, and from what I hear, it's just better in every respect. I don't think anyone can be upset about this one.

* Xcode isn't dead, but WebObjects support in Xcode mostly is. The build system required to build WO projects is still there. So if you have existing Xcode projects, they will continue to build. The WO project templates are gone, but like Ray said, you could pretty easily bring these back. If Entity Modeler gained support for reading project/framework dependencies from .xcodeproj files (which I had said I will not do, but if there's some overwhelming support for this, I might reconsider ... or if someone else wants to donate that, I will merge it in) you could actually use Entity Modeler completely as an EOM replacement. WOB is the big missing piece for Xcodies. There is BASICALLY no way to make Component Editor a standalone app (it requires too much in terms of Java project dependencies). Given that it seems to me that the people most likely to stick with Xcode are also the people who are probably most upset about the loss of WOB, this presents an unfortunate situation. The way, truth, and light from Apple is WOLips and Eclipse, though.

* My understanding is that JavaClient stuff is technically still there, but there's not very good tool support for it. NetBeans project file support for Entity Modeler would allow the combination of Entity Modeler plus the Swing designer tools from NetBeans, which would probably be a good platform to start from for that (Swing builders in Eclipse I think mostly suck still?).

* JavaMonitor and wotaskd are open sourced in Leopard. I don't know if this means that there are replacements coming in future releases and their value is therefore lessened, or if it is just an act of goodwill from Apple. Either way it's great.

* EOGenerator, EOReporter, and DBEdit no longer work in Leopard. Apple has provided a replacement to EOGenerator in the form of JavaEOGenerator. It will be released as an open source example on the Apple site within a few weeks. In the meantime, Apple has been gracious enough to slide permission under the table for us to do release of it for early adopters (see my previous post). The template format changes (which is to be expected -- EOGenerator was using a very old Obj-C library for the template system), but other than that it should be fully compatible with EOGenerator.

* As far as the involvement of Wonder in all of this, for the most part, the same relationship remains. Some Wonder code has made it into the core, and presumably other code will in the future, and this presents some challenges to the Wonder team in terms of build and release management, but Wonder is Wonder -- we'll persevere :)

* Anjo fixed up the build system in Wonder a couple days ago to provide 5.3 / 5.4 builds of Wonder. The build server should be switching this week sometime.

* WOLips and Entity Modeler already support several of the new 5.4 features (bracketed inline syntax, entity index declaration, strict template parsing, etc). There are a couple others still to add (the new EOModel enum stuff, for instance), but nothing that should really hold people up.

* WO is, by default, run behind Apache 2.2 instead of Apache 1.3. Welcome to this decade :)

* OpenBase is no longer shipped as the default demo database. Instead Apache Derby is the demo database.

* Leopard Client does not include the launchd scripts necessarily to run WO with Apache, but they're easily added and everything still works fine.

This is all I can think of at the moment ... It's big changes for WO, especially if you have not been using Project Wonder. Slightly less so if you are a Wonderite, but like I mentioned before, positive momentum is a good thing.

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