Because I'm now the official grumpy customer standard, I think I'd better pull up my socks and provide some user feedback.

A few months ago I offered to write a document that listed all the tasks when working with WO components, and how you would do them in WO Builder, WOLips Component Editor, and (just for completeness because I used to do this a lot) in Golive. The grand plan was that this could be a focus for communication between the user and developer communities, helping the developers to understand how we actually use the tools.

Unfortunately, in addition to my usual project work, I got involved in a full-time on-site contract that has only just finished, and I have not had time to do it. And Mike Schrag has made it even harder by removing most of my "if only WOLips could do this" complaints.

Ironically, while on site with the recent contract (a large comms system vendor, working on JSP and comms plumbing), I managed to convince one of the R&D managers that WebObjects would be useful for the entire organisation. The reason that it is ironic is that I was demonstrating WO 5.3 on his laptop, using XCode. He told me later that what blew him away and sold him on WO was WOBuilder, and how it seamlessly and visually built on the output of EOModeler. His user interface designers agreed. He was much less happy with WOLips and the obsolescence of the Apple tools. But I assured him WOLips was growing rapidly. In the end, the only way to make him completely happy was to demonstrate using WO web services as the back end and Flex as the front end. Once again everybody involved got really excited because they could use a GUI visual editor to develop the user interface, and the GUI designers could work pretty much independently of the application developers.

There is a common theme here, and it is still the one thing I am missing most from the WOLips Component Editor: the ability to see at a glance the layout of the component and all its elements, to click on an element to view all its bindings (defined or not) and edit these bindings in a separate area. Flex Builder does this beautifully. WO Builder does it well enough. Mike's latest outline view changes are awesome, much better in some ways than WO Builder, but it still doesn't give me the "what does it really look like" view.

Component Editor's Preview pane may do a lot of what I want (except tables), but unfortunately almost every time I click the "Preview" tab, Eclipse hangs on 100% CPU use.

Mike has already identified the lack of table display, and I believe he knows all of this stuff already. But as a grumpy customer standard it's my duty to express it. 8^)

Please note that I am NOT asking for a WebKit-rendered preview of what the final page will look like. I use CSS heavily, many of my components are used with many different CSS "skins," and I would rather avoid that complication. However, I really miss tables. There are times when no amount of outlining will help. For example, when editing a table showing a list of products, one attribute per column, with WOStrings for the header and rows, and trying to work out exactly which <td> corresponds to the <th> that describes it. This is very hard in any WOLips view, and trivially easy on WO Builder. Also inserting rows (not too hard in WOLips) and columns (very hard in WOLips) is trivially easy in WO Builder.

Now assuming I had tables in a preview mode that didn't hang Eclipse, (not being narky, Mike, just telling how it is), there is still one important thing missing: the ability to change the bindings while in preview mode.

So here's my wish list:

- add a bindings inspector that shows all possible bindings of the currently selected component, with auto-complete when typing values; - make a combination of the preview and outline view that allows you to select a component so you can view/edit its bindings
        - add table support.

Now a local cultural reference: "Tell 'im 'e's dreamin'!" (extra points for those who recognise the reference).

In my mind I had a long list of things to complain about, but that darned Mike Schrag has chewed that list right up!

And as the official standard grumpy customer, I would like to complain about how Mike has so thoroughly reduced my list of complaints.


On 31/10/2007, at 11:51 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

* WebObjects Builder is dead and gone. Component Editor replaces it. This is the #1 point of contention, I believe, as Entity Modeler is a fairly complete replacement for EOModeler. Component Editor does not provide the equivalent of the quasi-preview mode (the thing that can do the table editing with binding wiring). It does provide, in recent builds, component previews that are very similar (I think more useful, IMNSHO :) ) to WOB's, extensive support for completion, and there is a new bindings editor coming that is essentially based on the bindings inspector panel from WOB (for people who don't want to think about it, the intent is that this can replace the WOD Editor view). For what I'm doing, this is the majority of my focus at the moment. Well, "easier-to-use" in general has been my main focus for the past few weeks. I've been really trying to go through the UI's and tighten things up (the new Entity Modeler error dialog is a good example of this). I really want to get the tools to a place where WOB people aren't totally turned off. I don't know how far that will go at the moment. Thomas has been my grumpy customer benchmark up until now, but he's been unusually happy recently. As luck would have it, I think I have found my new grumpy customer benchmark.

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