Ok -
I will try this tonight when the activity is down on this server as I have six other apps running. And, I will definitely report back.

Your number (2) is interesting as I swear I have checked so many permissions, ran outputs, changed stderr etc.

One small good thing, I finally found a way to get the darn full name of the group and user during my quest.

stat filename

Will report later,

On Dec 20, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:


First, are you logging the wotaskd errors? ........ this will let you see what the launch problem is:

See here for info on how to set that up. Then launch with WOMonitor and then go a cat the log to see what happened. See the section Where's my stderr on this page:

*IMPORTANT* Pay attention to last sentence in that section ...... otherwise no apps will launch at all! "The one problem now is that typically WebObjects apps run as appserver user, which means they won't be able to write to this file. To fix this, you can 'touch /var/log/webobjects.err' as root, and then chown the blank file to whatever user your WebObjects apps run as."

1) Permissions still wrong somewhere


2) Something in /Library/WebObjects/Extensions is conflicting with your app (maybe there is a log4j in there which is conflicting with one that is already in your frameworks .... ERJars ... for example. If you must have log4j in there, then make it the exact same version as the one in your framework ... but longterm (and this is MY OPINION) take everything OUT of that WO Extensions dir ....... those jars are dynamically added to classpath when wotaskd launches. Those are not included in classpath when you launch on command line NOR when developing in Eclipse... again this is a wild guess.

anyway, try getting the wotaskd log going .... and be sure to report back if success or failure :-)

Regards, Kieran

On Dec 20, 2007, at 1:27 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

Hello -

I am really very stumped.

The only thing I can think of why my app won't run from the JavaMonitor has to do with something with my new Eclipse/WOLips setup, compile and build.

BUT, why would it run just great from the command line?

Does anyone have something else for me to look at?

my app.woa has me as owner (admin) and appserveradm as the group. The privileges are: drwxrwx-x and they have been applied recursively.


James Cicenia

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