On Jun 11, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

But I don't like reinventing the wheel. So I could adopt the ERExtensions framework which I believe is all that's needed for integrating Ajax into WebObjects. Or I could continue developing my framework. Or I could wait to see what Apple is doing.
Waiting to see what Apple is doing realistically means probably waiting a year, and possibly finding out at the end that they aren't addressing it. So I would say that you should solve your problems and if Apple comes out with something, reevaluate at that point. As far as adopting ERX, I don't know enough about what your framework does to give suggestions. The main point I would ask about is how you are addressing the backtrack cache handling, as this is one of the primary features of the Wonder Ajax.framework (which was adopted in a slightly older, but similar, form in 5.4). We do quite a bit of painful munging magic in the app backtrack cache handling to make Ajax.framework work, so you might want to compare how you're handling these problems with your own solution (which I'd be interested to hear about if you have an alternate solution). Wonder also obviously has quite a bit of users (including Apple for some internal apps),

Interesting use the term "internal" :-)


so you obviously benefit from community development on the framework. Again, though, not knowing your framework, it's hard to give more specific pros/cons.


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