On Mar 15, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Baiss Eric Magnusson wrote:

Hello Chuck and others, many thanks.
Here's my current status, I would be surprised to find out that it's at least close to "as good as it gets", but that's where I stand now.
After my 1st abortive attempt at upgrading to FB5 from 4 I succeeded thanks to Chuck's help with the following two steps from and to FrontBase.

WRITE ALL OUTPUT(DIR = '/.../financial/', TYPE = 'FrontBase', CONTENT = TRUE);
        script /.../financial/schema.sql;

Because of crash I lost the test db which allowed me to generate a better suite from a more active account, grin.

I re-ran the profiling and didn't notice any speed increase, sigh.

That does not surprise me.

I also don't see any of the <select *> type problems in the output.

I changed 2 WODisplayGroups from having no specified batch count, i.e. infinity? to 40 and 200 respectively. Actual count was 31 and 5611 as seen below, I didn't notice any change in the time.

You won't, that setting only affect display. You need to use ERXBatchingDisplayGroup.


| | | | | +-[1465.20ms / 29%] SQL (select): entity=Transaction, qualifier=null, {rows=5611}
| | | | | | +-[72.50ms / 1%] SQL (evaluate): SELECT t0….(proprietary)
| | | | | +-[29.57ms / 1%] SQL (select): entity=Account, qualifier=null, {rows=31} | | | | | | +-[23.16ms / 0%] SQL (evaluate): SELECT t0."ACCOUNT_ID", t0….
and some more


I await the much faster pipe three weeks from now.

On Mar 11, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

I am hoping to learn how to utilize the ERProfiling information I am now viewing.

After the Main/Login page the Current Situation page comes up in 5000ms.

Profiler: 5122.11ms; SQL: 52% (84); D2W: 0% (0); T/I/A: 0% / 85% / 14%
it says:
* your entire request took 5 seconds to process
* of that 5 seconds, 52% of the 5s was spent in SQL
* that 52% of SQL time was spent executing 84 queries
* there was no D2W on this page
* 85% of the 5s was spent in invokeAction
* 14% of the 5s was spent in appendToResponse

If you were to click on the 85% or 14% you'd see a breakdown of which queries happened where, or if you click on the "SQL" link you would get a breakdown of all the queries, shown in a tree with where they executed. 84 queries is a lot (for a "normal" app). from the SQL page, you will be able to see for each query how long each one took (absolute and %) and how many rows were returned (so you can look for overly large fetches).

you can also look for queries that are of the form
select * from sometable where id = x;
select * from sometable where id = y;

if you see a lot of these, it implies that you're not batching effectively. you can either manually batch fault those, or you can turn on automatic batch faulting in wonder.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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