Chuck Hill wrote:
On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Valerio Luccio wrote:

OK, this is really an Eclipse SVN question, but since the WO is all Eclipse I 
figured I ask here (if this is not the right list, I apologize and will send to 
the right one).

I have a project in an SVN repository. I decided to add the tar ball produced by ant in my "dist/" directory to the 
repository. From command line there are no problems, svn update/commit/status all work, but from within Eclipse the contents of 
"dist/" seem to get ignored. If after a build I hit F5 and refresh the package explorer, the tar ball get's marked as 
changed, but the "commit" does not see it. The pattern "*.gz" is unselected in Team->Ignored Resources and 
neither "dist/" nor the tar ball have any SVN attribute set.

A related annoying thing is that if I hit "Clean..." in project it deletes the 
"dist/" directory, which means it loses all of the SVN information. Any way to customize 
the clean to keep it from doing this ?

I'd choose Plan B: do this another way.  Make a LastBuild folder and modify 
build.xml to copy the tarball into that folder at the end of the build.  
Otherwise you are going to be fighting WOLips and WOLips is going to win.


I was afraid that this was going to be the answer ...

Valerio Luccio                  (212) 998-8736
Center for Brain Imaging        4 Washington Place, Room 156
New York University             New York, NY 10003

        "In an open world, who needs windows or gates?"

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