You don't cast to EOEntites (correctly, EOEnterpriseObject, EOEntity is the 
model), you fetch them from the database.  You can't get them from a stored 


On Apr 12, 2011, at 11:46 PM, <> <> 

> Hi Chuck,
> thanks for your reply. So I thought about stored procedures? But How I 
> include in my code and can I cast resultset in EOEntities Objects?
> I want to use data in my WOPopUpButton.
> Thanks
> Ray
> ========================================
> Message du : 12/04/2011
> De : "Chuck Hill " <>
> A :
> Copie à :
> Sujet : Re: fetching on joined table
> Hi Ray,
> WebObjects is not going to generate SQL like that for you (maybe it is 
> possible, but it would be very difficult).  I think  that you have two 
> choices:
> 1. Use views
> 2. Think and fetch in terms of Objects not tables and rows and joins.  This 
> is going to be VERY different than how you are approaching the data now.
> It is possible that WebObjects is just not a good thing to use with your 
> schema.
> Chuck
> On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:49 AM, <> 
> <> wrote:
>> Hi chuck,
>> I go to give you more informations about data. I work in IT Universtity in 
>> France and we have huge database with lot of table. Here is an example of 
>> PDM (5 tables)
>> person 
>> ------------>students--------->degree---------->diploma---------->academic 
>> year------>period_param----------------------------->admin_resgistration
>>                                (fk_person)        (fk_student)      
>> (fk_academic_year)     (pk an_univ prd_univ)    (fields an_univ_prd_univ)    
>> (fk_diploma, fk_person, fk_student, fk_academic_year)
>> and I have lof view (view_student_course on a period ...),
>>  Here is code of view vue_parcours_profil using to have student curse :
>> AS
>>     t3.d,
>>     t3.reorient_$f,
>>     MIN(p_deb) over (partition BY t3.e, t3.d, t3.p_fin) debut,
>>     t3.p_fin fin
>>   FROM
>>     (SELECT DISTINCT t1.e,
>>       t1.d,
>>       t1.p p_deb,
>>       NVL(MIN(t2.p) over (partition BY t1.e, t1.d,, MAX (t1.p) over 
>> (partition BY t1.e, t1.d)) p_fin,
>>       CASE
>>         WHEN = 1
>>         AND t2.r  IS NULL
>>         THEN t1.r
>>         ELSE DECODE(t2.r,NULL,'N',t2.r)
>>       END reorient_$f
>>       --DECODE(t2.r,null,'N',t2.r) reorient_$f
>>     FROM
>>       (SELECT DISTINCT etu_id e,
>>         diplome_$c d,
>>         an_univ
>>          prd_univ p,
>>         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition BY etu_id,diplome_$c order by an_univ
>>          prd_univ NULLS LAST) no,
>>         DECODE(res_pedag_$c,'RE','O','DR','O','N') r
>>       FROM gerry.etu_inscr_adm eia1
>>       ) t1,
>>       (SELECT DISTINCT etu_id e,
>>         diplome_$c d,
>>         an_univ
>>          prd_univ p,
>>         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition BY etu_id,diplome_$c order by an_univ
>>          prd_univ NULLS LAST) no,
>>         DECODE(res_pedag_$c,'RE','O','DR','O','N') r
>>       FROM gerry.etu_inscr_adm eia2
>>       ) t2
>>     WHERE t1.e = t2.e(+)
>>     AND t1.d   = t2.d(+)
>>     AND  <
>>     AND t1.r  <> t2.r(+)
>>       --and t1.r = 'N'
>>     AND ((        = 1
>>     AND NVL(t1.r,'N') IN ('O','N'))
>>     OR (          > 1
>>     AND NVL(t1.r,'N')  = 'N'))
>>     ) t3;
>> So when I want all students curse in sql developer this my request :
>> SELECT vtp.etu_id as STUDENT_ID,
>>     vtp.diplome_$c as DIPLOMA_CODE,
>>     DECODE (vtp.diplome_$c,'ING',d.diplome
>>      ' ancien règlement',d.diplome) as DIPLOMA_NAME,
>>     vtp.prd_debut as PERIOD_BEGIN,
>>     vtp.prd_fin as PERIOD_END,
>>     gerry.fonc_trad_prd_lib(vtp.prd_debut,'anprd') as ACADEMIC_YEAR_BEGIN,
>>     gerry.fonc_trad_prd_lib(vtp.prd_fin,'anprd') ACADEMIC_YEAR_END,
>>     vtp.reorient_$f as ORIENTATION,
>>        ' '
>>        DIPL_OPT_ABR
>>        ' '
>>        NIVEAU_ADM
>>     FROM gerry.vue_eia_abr veia
>>     WHERE veia.etu_id  = vtp.etu_id
>>     AND veia.diplome_$c=vtp.diplome_$c
>>     AND veia.an_univ
>>        veia.prd_univ=vtp.prd_fin
>>     (SELECT diplome_num
>>     FROM gest_uv.etu_diplome
>>     WHERE etu_id   = vtp.etu_id
>>     AND diplome_$c = vtp.diplome_$c
>>     AND an_univ
>>        prd_univ BETWEEN vtp.prd_debut AND vtp.prd_fin
>>     ) as DIPLOMA_NUMBER,
>>     FROM gerry.etu_inscr_adm eia,
>>       gerry.ref_situation rs
>>     WHERE rs.situation_$c = eia.situation_$c
>>     AND eia.etu_id        = vtp.etu_id
>>     AND eia.diplome_$c    =vtp.diplome_$c
>>     AND eia.an_univ
>>        eia.prd_univ=vtp.prd_fin
>>     NVL(
>>     (SELECT DECODE(situation_$c,'DEMI','O','N')
>>     FROM gerry.etu_inscr_adm
>>     WHERE etu_id    = vtp.etu_id
>>     AND diplome_$c  =vtp.diplome_$c
>>     AND situation_$c='DEMI'
>>     AND an_univ
>>        prd_univ=vtp.prd_fin
>>     ),'N') as IS_STUDENT_RESIGNED,
>>     NVL(
>>     (SELECT DECODE(situation_$c,'UTX','O','N')
>>     FROM gerry.etu_inscr_adm
>>     WHERE etu_id    = vtp.etu_id
>>     AND diplome_$c  =vtp.diplome_$c
>>     AND situation_$c='UTX'
>>     AND an_univ
>>        prd_univ=vtp.prd_fin
>>   FROM gest_uv.VUE_PROFIL_PARCOURS vtp,
>>     gerry.diplome d
>>   WHERE vtp.diplome_$c = d.diplome_$c
>> order by prd_debut, prd_fin;
>> So I must fetch on view vue_profil_parcours, diploma to display all students 
>> curse in a WOO table using batch. Here a little example and I have lof of 
>> fecthing such as this to do in my apps to display information about, 
>> sutdent, teacher so on...
>> I want a example code How to translate this sql request  or what the best 
>> practice in WebObjects in this situation? To fast forward in my apps, I 
>> create view every time when I want to display this kind of information. This 
>> allows me to browse my data in an accurate in WebObjects.
>> Thanks for your help
>> Ray,
>> Message du : 11/04/2011
>> De : "Chuck Hill " <>
>> A :
>> Copie à :
>> Sujet : Re: fetching on joined table
>> On Apr 11, 2011, at 3:12 AM, <> wrote:
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>> Tables A, B, C, D haven't relationship but same fileds name.
>> If they don't have modeled relationships, then you can't use qualifiers.
>>> When i'am using raw rows to translate my sql in webobjects and get my data, 
>>> I don't have EOF entities but dictionnaries.
>>> So I would like to know what the best practice on my case? create view with 
>>> my sql request on database and fetching on view  in my model?
>> I think the best practice would be to change the model (and the schema too, 
>> if needed) so that there are relationships and you are fetching entities.  I 
>> very rarely need to do a raw row fetch.  If you give us more information on 
>> the data, maybe we can suggest a better model.
>> Chuck
>>> ========================================
>>> Message du : 11/04/2011
>>> De : "Chuck Hill " <>
>>> A :
>>> Copie à :
>>> Sujet : Re: fetching on joined table
>>> Hello Ray,
>>> On Apr 8, 2011, at 5:16 PM, wrote:
>>>> Hi, 
>>>> I'm newbie on WebObjects and I have big problem to fetching on joined 
>>>> table.
>>>> Example :
>>>> I have my SQL like that :
>>> A good rule with WebObjects is "If you are thinking about SQL, you are 
>>> doing it wrong."  There are times (i.e. when optimizing) when you do need 
>>> to think about the SQL, but thinking in terms of objects is usually the 
>>> better way.
>>>> select 
>>>> as ID,
>>>> c.option as option,
>>>> decode(, 1, 'one', 2, 'two', 'unknow') as  order
>>> WebObjects (EOF) does not do mixed table selects like this (unless you are 
>>> selecting Raw Rows).  It selects whole rows of tables and makes them into 
>>> related Java objects.
>>>> from
>>>> ta a, tb b, tc c, td d
>>>> where
>>>> c.option in ('1', '2','3')
>>>> and c.option = b.option
>>>> How to translate this SQL request in EOF using qualifier or spec qualifier?
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> What are the relationships in the model between A, B, C, and D?  What are 
>>> you trying to fetch?
>>> Chuck
>>> -- 
>>> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
>>> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
>>> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
>> -- 
>> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
>> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
>> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
> -- 
> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    

Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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