Hi Ramsey,

        Thanks!  It was the deferred assignment.  I had added those FKs myself 
(aka not using migration), I didn't realize that deferment was how assignment 
order was being guaranteed (or not guaranteed for that matter).

Thanks again.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> That's a different question/answer entirely (^_^)
> You need to order your adaptor operations if your database can not do 
> deferred foreign key constraints.  You can do order your ops with a property:
> com.webobjects.eoaccess.ERXEntityDependencyOrderingDelegate.active=true
> Keep in mind this cannot solve unsolvable problems like required circular 
> relationships.  To fix that requires a new choice in databases.
> For information regarding your model, I find the most complete resource is 
> still Apple's old EOModeler docs.
> http://developer.apple.com/legacy/mac/library/#documentation/WebObjects/UsingEOModeler/Introduction/Introduction.html
> It's worth pointing out that if you did model this as horizontal instead of 
> single table, you'd have FK constraint problems of a different sort.  More 
> info in the "gotchas" under the description of HI here:
> http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WO/Modeling+Inheritance+with+Entity+Modeler
> Ramsey
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 12:58 PM, Michael Gargano wrote:
>> Don't worry you're not losing me.  :)  Basically, this is what's 
>> happening....
>>      I have entity A1 with single table inheritance children A2 and A3
>>      A1 has <->> B1, which is also passed on to the children
>>      I'm creating a new A3 instance and a bunch of new B1 instances, I add 
>> the B1's to the A3 relationship
>>      I go to commit A3 and it tries to commit the B1's first, which explodes 
>> because of the FK constraint to A3.
>>      This isn't happening anywhere else so I'm not sure what's wrong (I'm 
>> hoping it's not just luck), but basically I'm asking if A1,A2,A3 "own" B1 is 
>> that the indication to EOF that B1 needs to be committed second, after a PK 
>> has been generated and committed on A3
>> Thanks.
>> -Mike
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Philippe Rabier wrote:
>>> Michael, there are 2 distinct notions.
>>> Cascading delete is clear enough I guess.
>>> When an object A "owns" an object B, that means that B can't live  
>>> without A. The consequence is when you remove the relationship between  
>>> A and B, B will be deleted automatically (think about invoice and  
>>> invoice items).
>>> Sorry, I don't understand the second question. Basically, when you  
>>> create A, you must create B and link B to A as usual.
>>> I don't want to lose you but there is another case: if you have a to- 
>>> one between Entity A and Entity B, if EA "owns" EB and you check  
>>> "propagate primary key", object B will be automatically created when  
>>> you create object A. That's not your question but just in caseā€¦
>>> Bests,
>>> Philippe
>>> On 8 sept. 11, at 20:59, Michael Gargano wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>    Quick question, does delete on cascade imply owns destination?   
>>>> Also, does checking owns destination force the insertion of the  
>>>> destination objects after the insertion of the source entity?
>>>> I think David LeBer answered this for me once, but I forgot.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -Mike
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