I saw this problem (or something very much like it) today on a 2008 Mac Pro 
running Leopard, and not an SSD in sight... so while SSD's make it worse, it 
can happen in other circumstances.

In what seems to me like an odd decision, given Apple's dependency on it (and 
hyping of it) launchd doesn't enforce dependencies. The best solution is 
probably that rather than launching wotaskd and womonitor directly from the 
launchd plist, instead call a shell script that first checks that the NICs are 
up, and then launches wotaskd and monitor for you.

That shell script can use 'ipconfig waitall' to block until the NICs are up. I 
haven't done it for WO yet, but I use something similar to set up static routes 
on my boxes at launch time. Based on that chnk of code (which started life as 
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20060329085850170 , in the routing 
context) , I *think* that something like this should work to start them up:

# We need to trap on TERM signals, according to Apple's launchd docs:
trap 'exit 1' 15

# Issue a log message so we know when we started
syslog -s -l 1 WOMonitor_start: starting WOMonitor...

# Use the "ipconfig waitall" command to wait for all the
# interfaces to come up:
ipconfig waitall

# This is where we start WOMonitor
<put your WOMonitor startup command here with any command line args>

# Sleep for a while so Launchd won't think we never ran
sleep 10

# Issue a log message so we'll know when we finished
syslog -s -l 1 WOMonitor_start: Done.

# Exit with a clean status
exit 0

You should be able to launch that from launchd, instead of womonitor itself.



On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Hi Ken,

All java tasks start, but they all don't work. Please see excerpt.

mm4:Logs admin$ ps -ax | grep java
  131 ??         0:05.28 /usr/bin/java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m 
-DWORootDirectory=/System -DWOLocalRootDirectory= -DWOUserDirectory=/ 
-DWOPlatform=MacOS -Dcom.webobjects.pid=131 -classpath WOBootstrap.jar 
com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap -WOPort 1085
  132 ??         0:05.80 /usr/bin/java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m 
-DWORootDirectory=/System -DWOLocalRootDirectory= -DWOUserDirectory=/ 
-DWOPlatform=MacOS -Dcom.webobjects.pid=132 -classpath WOBootstrap.jar 
com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap -WOPort 56789
  298 ??         0:02.28 /usr/bin/java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m 
-DWORootDirectory=/System -DWOLocalRootDirectory= 
-DWOUserDirectory=/Library/WebObjects/Deployment/wotaskd.woa -DWOEnvClassPath= 
-DWOApplicationClass=com.webappz.bizdav.Application -DWOPlatform=MacOS 
-Dcom.webobjects.pid=298 -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -classpath WOBootstrap.jar 
com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap -WOHost 
vds4.webappz.com<http://vds4.webappz.com> -WOPort 2003 -WOCachingEnabled YES 
-WODebuggingEnabled NO -WOOutputPath 
/Library/WebObjects/Logs/bizDAV_VDS/bizDAV_VDS-1 -WOAutoOpenInBrowser NO 
-WOAutoOpenClientApplication NO -WOLifebeatInterval 30 -WOLifebeatEnabled YES 
-WOLifebeatDestinationPort 1085 -WOAdaptor WODefaultAdaptor 
-WOWorkerThreadCount 8 -WOListenQueueSize 128 -WOWorkerThreadCountMin 16 
-WOWorkerThreadCountMax 256 -NSProjectSearchPath () -WOSessionTimeOut 3600 
-WOStatisticsPassword stats -WOApplicationName bizDAV_VDS -WOMonitorEnabled YES 
-WONoPause YES -bizDAV.variant VDS -WOFrameworksBaseURL 
  450 ??         0:02.24 /usr/bin/java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m 
-DWORootDirectory=/System -DWOLocalRootDirectory= 
-DWOUserDirectory=/Library/WebObjects/Deployment/wotaskd.woa -DWOEnvClassPath= 
-DWOApplicationClass=com.webappz.bizdav.Application -DWOPlatform=MacOS 
-Dcom.webobjects.pid=450 -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -classpath WOBootstrap.jar 
com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap -WOHost 
vds4.webappz.com<http://vds4.webappz.com> -WOPort 2004 -WOCachingEnabled YES 
-WODebuggingEnabled NO -WOOutputPath 
/Library/WebObjects/Logs/bizDAV_VDS/bizDAV_VDS-2 -WOAutoOpenInBrowser NO 
-WOAutoOpenClientApplication NO -WOLifebeatInterval 30 -WOLifebeatEnabled YES 
-WOLifebeatDestinationPort 1085 -WOAdaptor WODefaultAdaptor 
-WOWorkerThreadCount 8 -WOListenQueueSize 128 -WOWorkerThreadCountMin 16 
-WOWorkerThreadCountMax 256 -NSProjectSearchPath () -WOSessionTimeOut 3600 
-WOStatisticsPassword stats -WOApplicationName bizDAV_VDS -WOMonitorEnabled YES 
-WONoPause YES -bizDAV.variant VDS -WOFrameworksBaseURL 
  518 ttys000    0:00.00 grep java

On 27/Feb/12 10:41 PM, ISHIMOTO Ken wrote:

It looks we have a problem with JavaMonitor and wotask, that had to be fixed.

I have seen this Problem now on several Machines, and found the problem, but 
think about a fix.
Maybe the only way is to fix the Apps Javacode itself...

Test Machine was OS X Lion & OS X SnowLeopard


What is going on:

The correctway : If the Machine starts

* LaunchD starts the Database

* LaunchD start JavaMonitor & wotask

* wotask will start the Instances

* Everybody is Happy


The Problem only appears if the Boot disk is a SSD Drive.

* LaunchD starts the Database

* LaunchD start JavaMonitor & wotask

BUT, JavaMonitor and wotask Launches and try to get the Network Interface for 
making work,
the OS Networking isn't setup at that time. The Boot was to fast. Both Apps try 
for several time,
and give up. But running. a Zombi process

* wotask can't start the Instances

The only way after the Launch is to go to Activity Monitor to kill both 
processes, LaunchD will boot
both again and everybody is happy.


1. Fix 1 : LaunchD Script <- I have no idea if that is possible to say launch 
at Boot but delayed or so

2. Fix 2 : In the javacode after retry the App and can't get a Connection kill 
itself, and let launchD boot it again..

Thank you

Ken Ishimoto

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