
As Samuel wrote, I do create new OSC when I make large export / report without 
any editing.

So, it creates a new dedicated connexion to the database and does not slow down 
the users using the shared editing context / main connexion.

ERXObjectStoreCoordinator _tmpObjectStoreCoordinator = new 

WOSession _localSession = new WOSession(_tmpObjectStoreCoordinator);

and after the process



Hope it helps,


Le 17 août 2024 à 15:59, Samuel Pelletier via Webobjects-dev 
<webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> a écrit :


If you create a new OSC, you will have no snapshot cache (I may be wrong on 
this), so it is the expected behaviour.

I never create new OSC in my apps, why are you creating OSC like this ?

The only real case I see is large report generations in background thread and 
even for this batching fetches do a good job.

If your fetches are long, check your database indexes.



Le 17 août 2024 à 08:48, ocs--- via Webobjects-dev 
<webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>> a écrit 

Hi there,

(I've solved the locks — were caused by a stray background thread which I've 
completely forgot of; and Samuel — yes, it was related to logging. D'oh.)

Now it works all right and reliably, but I observe very strange behaviour: with 
the separate OSC, the direct action is, in average, considerably slower; and 
the culprit seems are DB roundtrips. I hope I am missing something completely 
obvious again...

When I create my local EC for my direct action this way:

if (!sharedosc) sharedosc=new EOObjectStoreCoordinator()

almost each time the fault created through this EC is accessed, there's a DB 
roundtrip. On the other hand, if I create it this way (without any other change)

if (!sharedosc) sharedosc=EOEditingContext.defaultParentObjectStore()

there are no roundtrips at all.

I would understand the first fetch in the separate OSC, but subsequently, it 
should just use snapshots like the default root store does, should it not? What 
am I missing?


On 16. 8. 2024, at 18:14, ocs--- via Webobjects-dev 
<webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com<mailto:webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com>> wrote:

Hi there,

I've got a direct action, which sometimes needs to get an object with a known 
PK, for which I use faultWithPrimaryKeyValue. Works well for years, but lately 
the fetches went longer, so I decided to allow it to use a separate OSC not to 
clash with the normal database requests.

The result is weird:
- sometimes, faultWithPrimaryKeyValue in the dedicated OSC is lightning fast, 
as presumed
- sometimes though, it never ends?!? :-O

It does not lock once and then stay locked, the cases are intermittent. Also, 
it never locks when I test myself at my development machine; happens on the 
deployment site only, sigh. I have also reasons to believe that the DA does not 
deadlock with another thread (essentially since at the moment of the first 
lock, nothing at all ran in parallel).

The code looks like this:
static sharedosc
WOActionResults someAction() {
  try {
    boolean oscpolicy=ERXProperties.booleanForKey('ActionSpecificOSC')
    def localec, osc
    ... ...
    for (... a couple of times ...) {
      if (some-condition-which-says-I-need-to-fetch) {
        if (!localec) {
          if (oscpolicy && !sharedosc) sharedosc=new 
 // 1
        log "/TEMP will fetch in $localec..." // 2
        eo=EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKeyValue(localec ,'DBAuction', 
        log "/TEMP ... did fetch in $localec"
    ... ...
    if (localec) localec.dispose()
  } catch (exc) {

When ActionSpecificOSC is off, it never ever locks. When it is on though, 
occasionally the “will fetch” log marked // 2 is the very last thing which the 
appropriate worker thread ever does. In other (intermittent) cases it all works 

Aside of moving the localec.dispose to finally, which would be safer, but in 
this case irrelevant for no exception ever happens, can you perhaps see a 
possible culprit?

Side question: originally, my // 1 line looked like 
(localec=ERXEC.newEditingContext(osc)).lock(). Far as I can say, should work 
precisely same way as the above, but did not: when the osc was null, I've got 
an invalid EC with a null rootObjectStore. What the H.?!?

Thanks and all the best,

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