Hi folks

We think it's time to move on with Key Pinning, as there haven't been 
substantial issues raised in months.  The one outstanding contentious issue is 
the one in the subject: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/websec/trac/ticket/57

We've heard the argument that allowing pins to exist for indefinitely long can 
cause a site to be bricked for that period because of simple mistakes like 
changing certificate vendor or changing ownership of the domain name.

We've also heard the counter-argument that some domains are visited 
infrequently, so short pins would do nothing for them.

So here are some options. Please reply to this thread with with your 
preference. Arguments are good, but "+1" works as well. So…

How should we handle the max-max-age issue:
 (1) No hard limits, but allow UAs to limit the pin time. Suggest a month
 (2) Set a hard limit of one month in the RFC. Longer pins are truncated.
 (3) No hard limits, but allow the UA to skip hard-fail if a pin hasn't been 
observed for some time (like a month)
 (4) Adopt some gradual confidence-building scheme a-la-TACK.

"None of the above" is possible, but MUST come with argument and proposed text.

Let's give this until Wednesday, 22-May.


Tobias & Yoav

websec mailing list

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