On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:32 AM, Trevor Perrin 
<tr...@trevp.net<mailto:tr...@trevp.net>> wrote:

ChannelID seems to solve these problems, seems more polished than other 
proposals, and apparently is being experimentally deployed (see Chrome | 
Preferences | Cookies and site data | "google.com<http://google.com/>" or 

 - Will you be willing to review the problem statement?
 - Will you be willing to read multiple solution proposals to help the working 
group choose?
 - Will you be willing to review the solution document?

I'd be more interested in websec taking this on if someone could argue why 
ChannelID is *not* the right solution, and had some ideas how to do better.

Hi Trevor

[wearing no hats]

ChannelID is a TLS-layer extension. As such, it does nothing for HTTP. OTOH a 
proposal that hashes some header fields with a secret value works with or 
without TLS.

But even if we restrict our solution to HTTPS, I don't see how ChannelID helps 
a problem like the BEAST and CRIME attacks. In both cases, the issue is the 
scoping of cookie use. An attacker's web page or script can cause the UA to 
send requests of the attacker's choosing to a server. This has nothing to do 
with TLS - this in an HTTP behavior.

As it is, if I visit a website that has <img 
src="https://mail.google.com/gaaaaaaaaaah";> my UA is going to send a request to 
mail.google.com<http://mail.google.com> for "gaaaaaaaaaah", and that request is 
going to have my cookie. I don't see what ChannelID adds here. With 
channel-bound cookies (section 7.1) my UA will send the same request to 
mail.google.com<http://mail.google.com>, but with a channel-bound cookie. But 
since it's my valid channel, the server will accept it just the same.

What we need, IMO, is a new cookie with new rules, such as that cookies will be 
indexed by origin and refer(r)er so that my UA would use different cookies for 
requests stemming from pages from google and requests initiated by pages and 
scripts from other origins. This kind of rule change is more important than 
either the crypto binding or the request hashing.


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