Hi Benjamin,

it seems that we have to hurry up. Things didn't stand still (although
some people might think so), and a wiki has been prepared in the
meantime. As I said yesterday, it should be available in no time - if we
"omit" the request for proper handling of languages ;-)

Thus, I'll forward your mail to the admins to make sure that they get
your statements, okay?

Am Donnerstag, den 07.10.2010, 13:35 -0400 schrieb Benjamin Horst:
> Forwarding from the discuss@ list to the website@ list...
> I like MediaWiki and use it extensively, including as an intranet wiki
> at my current workplace. I recognize it's the default choice because
> that's what OOo has been using and because it is well and
> widely-known. 

Also by admins :-) And by the current user base of the OOoWiki. So if we
change something, then we require really good arguments to convince
them ... it is like a migration of one major commercial office suite to
an open ... aehm ... libre one ;-)

> However, it was not designed for the use-case of an intranet or
> project management wiki. [...]
> Foswiki: http://foswiki.org/
> MoinMoin: http://moinmo.in/
> DokuWiki: http://www.dokuwiki.org/
> MediaWiki: http://www.mediawiki.org/
> Wikipedia's list of wiki engines is here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wiki_software

I tried to follow the CMS discussion today, and what me puzzles is, that
we require a wiki very soon and the time for people evaluating another
installation is also very limited, sigh. How to balance "get a good
wiki" and "get a wiki soon"?

Another thing I'd like to consider is, that we have some content that
might be migrated from the OOoWiki ... I wrote many proposals and
requirement specifications I'd like to add to LibO, too. But this is my
problem at the moment :-)

> I'd like to suggest this mailing list work on the information
> architecture for the forthcoming project site and wiki, in parallel to
> our other threads investigating CMS and wiki platforms to build upon.

My proposal: Let's ask the others for some comments ... and maybe our
intermediate but heroic admins like Florian or Guy, or Christian will



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