Hi Marc, *

sorry for replying so late...

Marc Paré schrieb:
Le 2010-10-22 18:39, Bernhard Dippold a écrit :

Christian requested internal / relative links to other pages on our
homepage. Do we need to use static links instead if we want to work on

I added the "Marketing" page. I had never worked on Drupal (I use Zikula
sites) and it took a total of 40 secs to cut/paste to add the page.

It took me much more to find it, because it is not linked from the
navigation. ;-)


I imagine that Drupal, which is by far the most popular CMS, has the
same options that I would have with Zikula. If there is a function that
is deemed necessary for user, then it will be added by the admins.

So it should be added right now. Without these options there is no chance for the "normal" user to work on the CMS.

I don't think that a demo should have all of the features active when it
was thrown together in so little time. It is not work messing up your
server space with potential hacking.

As mentioned earlier, the problem derives from calling the testing area "demo". If it had been called "minimal version to start with" all these necessary functions would have probably been included from the beginning.

Common sense will show that missing functions can be included.

Common sense shows, that nearly every function can be included in Drupal. But it *has to be* included to start working with the CMS.

And time is too short to discuss the features - we have to start creating websites with whatever CMS will have been chosen.

Until the decision of the Steering Committee there is still the chance to include the modules in the Drupal "demo". This would give the SC a real possibility to decide: In my eyes allowing the people waiting for the starting shot to create their webpages *now* is the main precondition for their decision. What I read from Christian's mails this is still not possible for Drupal, so there might be no real decision...

I created a new table on the wiki page comparing only the necessities for going live with either Drupal or SilverStripe.


I didn't test these features in both of the CMS as I don't have the time ATM. I just added, what I remember from the discussion here.

Please update the table with your experiences.

Christian mentioned some of the specific parts still missing (at least at the time he wrote his mails) in Drupal, so this should be the area to work for the next few hours/days. I didn't add all of them by now - please do so on your own.

Remember - it's not about the features we want to be implemented during the next weeks or months: It's just about a few days to allow working for the native-lang teams and others at the shortest time possible.

I'm still in favor for Drupal, but starting real work now is more important for the community.

Best regards


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