Le 2010-10-25 09:20, Benjamin Horst a écrit :

On Oct 25, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
I don't think that a demo should have all of the features active when it
was thrown together in so little time. It is not work messing up your
server space with potential hacking.

As mentioned earlier, the problem derives from calling the testing area "demo". If it had 
been called "minimal version to start with" all these necessary functions would have 
probably been included from the beginning.

Common sense will show that missing functions can be included.

Common sense shows, that nearly every function can be included in Drupal. But 
it *has to be* included to start working with the CMS.

And time is too short to discuss the features - we have to start creating 
websites with whatever CMS will have been chosen.

It feels like we're on a slippery slope here, with some folks thinking we're 
still in demo phase, and others thinking we're already starting a prototype 
phase. Let's just draw a line in the sand and choose one or the other, and make 
it explicit so that everyone in this discussion is on the same page.

Until the decision of the Steering Committee there is still the chance to include the 
modules in the Drupal "demo". This would give the SC a real possibility to 
In my eyes allowing the people waiting for the starting shot to create their 
webpages *now* is the main precondition for their decision. What I read from 
Christian's mails this is still not possible for Drupal, so there might be no 
real decision...

I created a new table on the wiki page comparing only the necessities for going 
live with either Drupal or SilverStripe.


I didn't test these features in both of the CMS as I don't have the time ATM. I 
just added, what I remember from the discussion here.

Please update the table with your experiences.

It appears there is a "yes" for everything for Drupal here, and almost 
everything for SS.


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

I would go even further and say that we should just cool things down, wait for the official SC answer --- a sort of freeze. If Drupal is picked, we have an abundance of committed webmaster help and training help and it will be put together quite quickly. I don't think we will be serving any purpose by spending time filling out pages on a "potential website" only to have that work nullified by a pick for the opposing CMS.

The SC gave us till the end of the week and even hinted that we were not progressing fast enough.

So, we should all take a breath and relax. LibO still has the remnants of its umbilical cord showing as it is still so close to its birth. We are just finding out today that OOo will be represented at a Spanish event and he is being flown in from Canada. I guess this pretty well establishes the fact that Oracle+OOo have no plans on cooperating with LibO.

A couple of extra days delay will not kill the project.

We could take some time to register a members page on the Wiki so that we are easily identified. That would be nice too! I'll try to put a photo on mine ... and then you will definitely know why I am not participating on high end graphics projects!



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